Communication strategyCorporate PR Product and brand PRMedia relationsEventsPersonal image

Communication strategy


What to say, how say it, and who to address in order to be heard and seen the way we would like to be seen?

Based on a market position analysis, the Client’s current image, strategic goals, vision and mission, we draw up and execute a complex organisation communication plan.

We provide constant service in terms of key elements of public relations strategy:

  • company/brand/product communication with internal environment – setting goals and communication channels, preparing and help with executing communication plans, drawing up communication strategies;
  • management of relations with external environment – drawing up strategies, preparing and conducting public consultations, building image based on local environment, arranging meetings with local leaders, activities aimed at local community;
  • creating and executing corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes – drawing up socio-environmental strategies, selecting and maintaining relations with stakeholders, increasing trust and loyalty, promoting good models and social mobilisation;
  • implementing crisis management plans and conducting personnel trainings related to disaster communication – threat identification, instructions and model announcements, threat minimisation procedures, consultations and operations coordination during a crisis situation, post-crisis activities.

Corporate PR

Building and enhancing the image of an organisation requires something more than just product PR. Firstly, because the message must take all key recipient groups (employees, investors, partners, clients, media, experts) into account. In most cases, creating announcements for individual groups requires substantive preparations, as well as specialist economic, financial and industry knowledge. Secondly, strategies and activities executed as part of corporate PR must be planned in a complex and long term manner and then consistently and systematically carried out (not only in the case of a disaster situation). We are aware that communication is a dialogue between two sides. Corporate PR strategies should be dynamic and respond to the feedback coming from the recipients.

As part of corporate PR, we offer our Clients: drawing up image strategies, building the image of key persons in a company, building the image of the employer and the entire corporation, internal communication strategies, crisis management, visual identification of a company, media relations, corporate social responsibility, initiating and organising company events.

Product and brand PR

Regardless of what a given company is engaged in or sells – its operations or products evoke emotions. Some people claim that nowadays, in the time of increasing competition on the market, emotions are sold rather than products. More and more often, they are the factor leading to a success or failure. We help our Clients to build positive emotions around their products.

Our competencies covers branding and building communication strategies, including, among other things, introducing a new brand to the market, rebranding, choosing communication channels, loyalty programmes, consolidating position of a brand, monitoring the market and competition.

Media relations

How to convince the media to talk about us? That is not all, what to do to make the media talk about what we care about? How to inspire journalists to mention topics we find significant? We know the answers to these questions.

Many years of involvement in media relations allowed us to develop numerous contacts and permanent relations in the world of the media. We provide our Clients with complex services related to contacts with the media, from editing announcements and sending press materials, through arranging interviews, organising press conferences and briefings, running a press office, to supervising and analysing press releases.


Business meetings and participation in trade conferences, exhibitions or economic missions are not only a fantastic opportunity to show the potential and abilities of a company but also a huge organisational and logistic challenge, a challenge we can meet.

We make sure that appropriate presentation will consolidate the desired image of a company. The secret lies in unconventional actions which make an event memorable.

Moreover, we also organise integration events, concerts, special and non-standard events (e.g. jubilees). We are open to new challenges.

Personal image

Fine feathers make fine birds – a simple yet very true statement. The more our perception of the world focuses on visual culture the more important is the care of a positive image. Every organisation which wants to be considered a professional and reliable business partner must make sure that its employees are seen in the same way.

We offer consultations and trainings related to business ethics, self-presentation and public presentations. For years, parliamentary and local government candidates have successfully benefitted from our knowledge and experience. Our training programme includes the following elements: creating an image based on gestures, words and appearance, preventing a media crisis, the art of speaking and listening, communication with an individual recipient and a group of recipients, stress diagnosis and effective ways of overcoming it.